Unit 3: Beyond the Horizon

Lesson: "Sunrise on the Hills" by H. W. Longfellow (Pages 72-74)

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the theme and imagery in the poem.
  • Analyze literary devices and structure.
  • Reflect on the emotional impact of nature.

Period 1: Introduction and First Reading (50 minutes)

  • Learning Objective: Understand the theme and imagery in "Sunrise on the Hills."
  • Activities:
    • Introduction to H. W. Longfellow and the context of the poem (10 minutes).
    • Read the poem aloud in class, ensuring students follow along (15 minutes).
    • Group discussion on initial impressions and emotions evoked by the poem (15 minutes).
    • Activity: Identify literary devices such as imagery, metaphors, and personification (10 minutes).

Period 2: Analysis and Interpretation (50 minutes)

  • Learning Objective: Analyze the use of literary devices and structure in "Sunrise on the Hills."
  • Activities:
    • Detailed analysis of the poem’s structure, rhyme scheme, and literary devices (20 minutes).
    • Paraphrase the poem in their own words (15 minutes).
    • Present paraphrased versions and interpretations to the class (15 minutes).

Lesson: "The Trip of Le Horla" by Guy de Maupassant (Pages 75-79)

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the context and main ideas of the story.
  • Analyze characters, themes, and literary devices.
  • Reflect on the broader implications of exploration and adventure.

Period 1: Introduction and First Reading (50 minutes)

  • Learning Objective: Understand the context and main ideas of "The Trip of Le Horla."
  • Activities:
    • Introduction to Guy de Maupassant and the context of the story (10 minutes).
    • Read the story aloud in class, ensuring students follow along (20 minutes).
    • Initial discussion on students' first impressions and main ideas (10 minutes).
    • Homework: List five key points from the story.

Period 2: Detailed Analysis and Discussion (50 minutes)

  • Learning Objective: Analyze characters, themes, and literary devices.
  • Activities:
    • Group discussion on key points from homework (10 minutes).
    • Analysis of characters, themes, and literary devices (20 minutes).
    • Groups create mind maps of the story’s main elements (15 minutes).
    • Summarize discussions (5 minutes).

Period 3: Application and Reflection (50 minutes)

  • Learning Objective: Apply understanding through creative exercises and reflection.
  • Activities:
    • Creative writing: Continuation of the story from the protagonist’s perspective (20 minutes).
    • Present creative pieces (15 minutes).
    • Class discussion on different perspectives (10 minutes).
    • Quiz on key themes and characters (5 minutes).

Lesson: "The Sacred Turtles of Kadavu" (A Fijian Legend) (Pages 80-83)

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the context and main ideas of the legend.
  • Analyze themes and cultural significance.
  • Reflect on the moral lessons conveyed.

Period 1: Introduction and First Reading (50 minutes)

  • Learning Objective: Understand the context and main ideas of "The Sacred Turtles of Kadavu."
  • Activities:
    • Introduction to Fijian culture and the significance of legends (10 minutes).
    • Read the legend aloud in class, ensuring students follow along (20 minutes).
    • Initial discussion on students' first impressions and main ideas (10 minutes).
    • Homework: List five key points from the legend.

Period 2: Detailed Analysis and Discussion (50 minutes)

  • Learning Objective: Analyze themes and cultural significance.
  • Activities:
    • Group discussion on key points from homework (10 minutes).
    • Analysis of themes and cultural elements (20 minutes).
    • Groups create visual aids to represent the legend and its key elements (15 minutes).
    • Summarize discussions and presentations (5 minutes).

Lesson: "Disasters and Disaster Management in India" by Anjana Majumdar (Pages 84-89)

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the context and main ideas of disaster management in India.
  • Analyze the strategies and importance of disaster management.
  • Reflect on the role of individuals and communities in disaster management.

Period 1: Introduction and First Reading (50 minutes)

  • Learning Objective: Understand the context and main ideas of disaster management.
  • Activities:
    • Introduction to the concept of disaster management and its importance in India (10 minutes).
    • Read the text aloud in class, ensuring students follow along (20 minutes).
    • Initial discussion on students' first impressions and key concepts (10 minutes).
    • Homework: List down important points from the reading.

Period 2: Detailed Analysis and Discussion (50 minutes)

  • Learning Objective: Analyze the strategies and importance of disaster management.
  • Activities:
    • Group discussion on key points from homework (10 minutes).
    • Detailed discussion on key concepts and strategies (20 minutes).
    • Groups create a disaster management plan for a hypothetical scenario (15 minutes).
    • Summarize discussions (5 minutes).

Period 3: Application and Reflection (50 minutes)

  • Learning Objective: Reflect on the importance of disaster management and apply understanding.
  • Activities:
    • Creative writing: Essay on the role of individuals and communities in disaster management (20 minutes).
    • Share essays with the class (15 minutes).
    • Discuss the impact of effective disaster management on society (10 minutes).
    • Quiz on key concepts and strategies (5 minutes).

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